The Banking Division of the Department of Financial Regulation examines, provides oversight for and regulation of various entities, including banks, credit unions, lenders, mortgage brokers, sales finance companies, debt adjusters and money servicers in accordance with Title 8 and Title 9 of the Vermont Annotated Statutes. Its mission: supervise financial services and products to ensure:
- the solvency, liquidity, stability and efficiency of all such organizations
- reasonable and orderly competition
- close cooperation with other supervisory authorities is maintained
- consumers are protected against unfair and unconscionable practices
- consumers receive education, guidance and assistance
Contact the Banking Division directly by phone at 888-568-4547 or 802-828-3307 or by e-mail at for assistance.
Deputy Commissioner Aaron Ferenc
Banking Division Deputy Commissioner Aaron Ferenc oversees a highly trained team of examiners and administrative staff responsible for the oversight of Vermont’s State Chartered Banks, Credit Unions, Trust Companies and other licensed financial services providers.
A 20-year member of the Department, Deputy Commissioner Ferenc worked nearly 13 years as a field examiner prior to becoming the Director of Examinations in 2015. In November 2022, Aaron was appointed interim-deputy commissioner of banking and in May 2023 the appointment made officially permanent by Governor Scott. Mr. Ferenc currently serves on the Legislative Committee of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) and serves on the Performance Standards Committee of the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Vermont.