The Insurance Division is responsible to ensure that health insurers and health insurance plans meet all consumer protection and quality requirements under Vermont laws. The information furnished here provides regulatory information for health insurers and managed care organizations. Information is also provided for mental health review agent licensing, rental network contract registration, uniform provider credentialing, and health insurance statistics and performance data.
The Green Mountain Care Board, an entity seperate from DFR, is charged with reducing the rate of health care cost growth in Vermont while ensuring that the State of Vermont maintains a high quality, accessible health care system.
Vermont Health Connect is a way to choose a health plan that fits an individual's needs and budget with both private or public plans.
Health Insurance Regulation
Administrative requirements and technical guidance for managed care organizations, including requirements for mental health review agent licensing, rental networks registration and common provider credentialing.
- Consumer Protection and Quality Requirements for MCOs (Reg. H-2009-03)
Health Care Pricing and Quality Transparency (Reg. H-2007-05)
18 VSA 9410(a)(2))has repealed this regulation.
H-2009-03 Implementation and Reporting
- 2014 Implementation Manual and Appendices
- 2014 Data Filing Requirements Memorandum
- HEDIS® Data Reporting Tables
- CAHPS® Data Reporting Tables
- Data Filing Tables 1-8
- QHP Enrollee Experience Tables
- QHP HEDIS® Data Reporting Tables
- Provider Satisfaction Survey